Wireframe boilerplate

Wireframe boilerplate is a ProcessWire starter site profile based on the Wireframe output framework.

Wireframe boilerplate is intended as an opinionated starting point for sites powered by the Wireframe module, and contains a number of site features that make more sense as a part of a site profile, rather than the Wireframe module itself.

Though you can build sites with Wireframe but without the Wireframe boilerplate site profile, the site profile is a helpful addition to the mix, and provides many often-used features right out of the box.


Other requirements, such as ProcessWire modules, are installed with Composer.

How to install

  1. Obtain a fresh copy of ProcessWire 3.0.112 or newer and upload/unzip it on your server.
  2. Download or clone the contents of this repository into /site-wireframe-boilerplate/ within the directory you uploaded/unzipped ProcessWire to. You will see other site directories (including /site-default/) already there, but these can be safely ignored for the time being.
  3. Go to the /site-wireframe-boilerplate/ directory and run composer install. The Wireframe boilerplate site profile manages ProcessWire modules via Composer dependencies, so this step is very important. Check the .gitignore page if you want to add new modules without Composer.
  4. Install ProcessWire by accessing the URL it lives in with your web browser. When the installer asks you to choose a site profile, choose "Wireframe Boilerplate Site Profile".


Wireframe boilerplate is licensed under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.

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